lpc1a Flash recovery board
Status active
Part numbers lpc1a = LPC flash recovery board for ALIX / WRAP system boards. Please specify which board you will use this with so the correct BIOS can be programmed.
lpc1aapu = LPC flash recovery board for APU1 system boards (16 Mbit flash).
Usage (WRAP / ALIX) Install the LPC.1A module on the WRAP or ALIX board. Please watch the orientation (white stripe). Then power on. The LPC module will override the on-board flash, which could be blank or corrupted. Boot FreeDOS from a CF card and reprogram the on-board flash BIOS. Then power off and remove the LPC module. The on-board flash should now function normally.
Usage (APU) Install the LPC.1A module on the APU board. Please watch the orientation (white stripe). Then power on. The LPC module will override the on-board flash, which could be blank or corrupted. Boot tinyCore Linux from a SD card or USB stick, and reprogram the on-board flash BIOS. Then power off and remove the LPC module. The on-board flash should now function normally.
Schematic lpc1a.pdf
Manufacturer PC Engines
Origin Taiwan
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