Installing Bonjour --- CORE9G25
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With Bonjour activated on your PC it's easy to discover devices on your LAN and reach them using their hostnames and .local domain instead of its IP address.

For example you can reach the web page on a CORE9G25 board simply using this URL:

or open an SSH session with it by typing:

$ ssh root@core9g25.local

Windows PC:

Download and install Bonjour on your Windows PC following this link:

Linux Ubuntu PC:

Install libnss-mdns package then try a ping to the CORE9G25 board typing:

 ~$ ping myboard.local
PING myboard.local ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from myboard.station ( icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.785 ms
64 bytes from myboard.station ( icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.402 ms

Or scan your LAN by typing:

 ~$ avahi-discover

What to install on CORE9G25 board

On the CORE9G25 board you need to install the [libnss-mdns] ( by typing:

apt-get update
apt-get install libnss-mdns

then set your own hostname for example:

~# echo "CORE9G25" > /etc/hostname 
~# reboot

Then discover it from your PC.

Related links

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The Acme Systems srl provides this Debian system development and user manual.
The origin of these doc came from the website:

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