UFS programmer available: "NuProg-E"

As the technology advances and market trending from PC to mobile computing, the demand for larger mobile storage has grew rapidly and thus the next generation of Universal Flash Storage (UFS) technology was introduced.

UFS combines eMMC features and SCSI technology for an ease of adaption to mobile applications, but the underlying infrastructure is both intricate and technological.

Working together with UFS leading companies to provide solution for UFS programming and we are proud to announce our latest NuProg-E programmer.  It is designed specifically for meeting engineer development needs and by following UFS standard it has greatly reduce IC programming time, so helping engineer to be more efficient when working with large volume storage.  It is a tool for configuring UFS specific descriptor, attribute and flags of IC initialize setting, and accessing LUN and target partition sectors. 

NuProg-E also supports eMMC IC, and the user can access Boot1/2, user area, RPMB, GPP and enhanced area setting.  It is built with USB 3.0 high transmission speed which provides fast transfer speed and good power management.



l   Support UFS and eMMC IC initialization and programming.

l   Configuring UFS

n   Descriptors, Attributes and Flag settings

n   LUN partitioning and boot sector assignment

l   Configuring eMMC

n   User area, Boot 1 and 2

n   RPMB, GPP and ExtCSD

n   Enhanced area

l   Support USB3.0 and USB2.0