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Developer Resources for FAQ

1. How to change the Linux MAC Address?
Enter the Linux system command mode, and run the follow command:
     # ifconfig eth0 down
     # ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:AA:BB:CC:DD
     # ifconfig eth0 up
     # ifconfig
Notice:If you want to to get the new mac address auto fter booting the board, add the above code to the /etc/init.d/rcS file.

2. Update the system by U Disk?
copy the image file to USB disk, and then insert the usb disk to board, run the follow command in uboot command line:
# autoupdate
3. How to change the linux hostname
Enter the /etc/hostname file, and edit it, replace your hostname in the file.
4. Install the QT on the SAM9G45-II board
A. Download the QT file from the follow website:
B. Copy the QT.tar.gz to USB Disk, then insert the USB Disk to the board.
C. mount the USB Disk to the board with the follow command:
 # mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt
D. uncompress the QT to the board
 # tar -xvf /mnt/QT.tar.gz -C /
F. Reboot the board, then you can test the board with QT.

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