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Developer Resources for Getting Start

This document is part of a set of reference documents providing information necessary to operate and use CoreWind's SBC-SAM9G45.

Getting Start for SBC-SAM9G45

Unboxing SBC-SAM9G45

So you just received your SBC-SAM9G45 board and you may be wondering where to start... This is the right place to get going.

Required Accessories

  • One SBC-SAM9G45 Board
  • One LCD Module(4.3"LCD or 7"LCD)
  • One Serial cable
  • One net cable
  • One 12V@2A Power adapter
  • One DVD

Connection Guide

1. Enable the SPI flash(Close "B.SPI Flash CS").
2. Insert the LCD cable to the LCD connector(C) if you have the LCD module.
3. Using a serial cable, connect the Debug serial port(D) of the SBC-SAM9G45 board to the Serial Port on your PC.
4. Insert the power adapter to the Power interface(E).
5. Power on the board, you can enter the Linux system default.

Hyperterminal setting on PC

Admolition note.png we provide the DNW as the Hyperterminal tools, you can use the other tools, only set Set baud rate to 115200 bps, 8 bit per frame, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control

Open the DNW software, and configure it as follow:

1) Find DNW software under directory CD:\Tools\DNW.exe. Double-click to open it:
2) Click “Configuration -> Options”, it will open the “UART/USB Options” dialog.
   choose '115200' in 'Baud Rate'
   choose 'COM1' in 'COM Port '(the COM1 means the serial number in PC )
3) click 'OK' to finish the DNW configuration:
4) Click 'Serial Port->connect' to enable the DNW serial link.

Power on the board, then you can enter the Linux system by the Hyperterminal on PC default.

Jumper on the SBC-SAM9G45

SBC-SAM9G45 have two Jumper for the Flash enable.

Jumper Function Description
J1 Nand Flash chip select
(avaliable default)
open – Nand Flash not avaliable
close – Nand Flash avaliable
J10 SPI DataFlash Chip select open – DataFlash not avaliable
close – DataFlash avalibe

Enter the QT system

Boot the board to enter the linux system command mode in the terminal, then run the follow command to calibrate the touchscreen:
# ts_calibrate
# ts_test
We provide qt 4.6.3 lib on the board, if you want to test it, you can copy the qt demo from CD to the board, and run the follow command to test it.
# ./xxxx -qws
Then you will see the qt demo system in the picture.


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