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Developer Resources for Function Test

1 TouchScreen Test

Run the follow command to calibrate the touchscreen

#  ts_calibrate

B.Run the follow command to test it.

#  ts_test

2 Net Test

There are one Net interface on the development board. Users can use the test program to test it.
Link the net cable from PC to the board(Set your pc for, then test it as follow

#  Ifconfig eth0
#  ping 

3 Serial Test(DEBUG, J9-J12)

There are 5 GPIO ports(1 RS232, 4 TTL) on the development board. Users can enter following command to opera each UART, All about UART hardware connects can refer to the follow table.
Table Serial Port indoe

Port num Inode for linux Function
DEBUG /dev/ttySAC6 Support RS232
COM0(J9) /dev/ttySAC0 Extend RS232/RS485/RS422 Module
COM1(J10) /dev/ttySAC1 Extend RS232/RS485/RS422 Module
COM2(J11) /dev/ttySAC2 Extend RS232/RS485/RS422 Module
COM3(J12) /dev/ttySAC3 Extend RS232/RS485/RS422 Module

Serial Test

# cd /home/app/
# ./uart /dev/ttySAC0 data1234

Notice: pressing the Ctrl+C to exit the test programThe COM0-COM support Extend RS232/RS485/RS422 Module,

for the extend module test, it is same as follow method, only insert the module to the connector.

4 USB Test

Insert the USB Disk to USB Host, the USB-Disk will be mount auto, it will be mount on the /media/sda1, Operate the SD card as follow:

#cd /media/sda1

5 RTC Test

There are RTC Module on the development board. Users can use the test program to test it.A. Show system time:

# date 

B. Set RTC chips time, the time format is YYYYMMDDhhmm

# date 201110262035
# hwclock -w

C. Sync the system time from RTC chips

# hwclock –s


There are EEPROM chips on the development board. Users can use the test program to test it.

Write data to EEPROM:

# echo "aaa" >/sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0050/eeprom

B. Read data from EEPROM:

# cat /sys/bus/i2c/devices/0-0050/eeprom

7 SD card Test

Insert the SD card by the SD Card Module, the SD card will be mount auto, it will be mount on the /media/sda1, Operate the SD card as follow:

#cd /media/sda1

8 LED Test

There are some LED on the development board. Users can use the test program to test it.Notice: the d1 at the follow command, it is the the led name on the board, the board have three user led, d1, d2,d7. LED light

# echo '1' >/sys/class/leds/d1/brightness 

B. LED no light

# echo '0' >/sys/class/leds/d7/brightness

9 Beep Test

There are one Beep on the development board. Users can use the test program to test it. Beep ring

# /home/app/buzzer on

B. Beep ring stop

# /home/app/buzzer off


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