Please go to “FriendlyARM” and click on “GPRS SMS”
If the connection is a success, the status will show “Ready”. Occasionally it shows “Device Initing…”
and this suggests that the previous shutdown was an abnormal operation or the previous Modem connection wasn’t disconnected or your connection isn’t good. We recommend users to use a USB to Serial convertor to connect a Modem.
(1) Single sending messages
Please input your target cell phone number in the edit box on the right side of “To:”, type your message in the edit box below “Input” and click on “Send”.
If the sending is a success and the telecommunication service provider sends back an acknowledgement you will see the “Status” shows “Get SMS OK”.
You can send messages to your own cell phone for testing too
The format of the cell phone number varies in different countries:
In mainland China it is “+8613800138000” or “13800138000”.
On Abroad you need to add a country code prior to the number e.g. “+4423645789”. The
number after “+” composes of the country code first and the cell phone number then.
Note: there is no Chinese input utility in the system therefore if you want to send message in Chinese you have to copy and paste it from elsewhere.
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