Android System
To test PWM, please click on the iTest icon
Click on “PWM Testing” you will see the following window
On the dialog, you can type a frequency and “start” or adjust the frequency by clicking on “+” and “-”.Tostopit you can click on “stop”.
Linux System
Go to the “FriendlyARM” tab and click on the “PWM/Buzzer Testing” icon to open the interface. By default, the output frequency of PWM is 1000Hz. Click on the “Start” button, the buzzer will beep. Clicking on the “+” or “-” button will change its frequency and sound as well. Clicking on the “Stop” button stops the buzzer

WinCE System
Go to “FriendlyARM”, click on “PWM-Buzzer” you will see the following dialog. Click on “Start” you can test its beeping. Click on “Stop” you can stop it.
